Knock, Ring, Tap    (SSR 193)   Jack O'Leary, Bruce McCue


Sides face, grand square
I'm gonna knock on your door, ring on your bell, tap on your window too
If you don't come out tonight while the moon is shining bright
I'm gonna knock and ring and tap until you do

4 ladies promenade, one time around, back home and swing
Swing and promenade her too
If you don't come out tonight while the moon is shining bright
I'm gonna knock and ring and tap until you do


Heads (sides) you promenade, 1/2 way around
Walk in pass the ocean there, extend
Swing thru tonight, boys run right
Wheel & deal, touch 1/4 here
Scoot back go once, scoot back again
Swing the corner lady, promenade
If you don't come out tonight while the moon is shining bright
I'm gonna knock and ring and tap until you do


I'm gonna knock and ring and tap
And knock and ring and tap
And knock and ring and tap and knock and ring until you do


(Opener, figure heads twice, break, figure sides twice, closer, tag)